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Butterfly Needle Technique: A Comprehensive Guide


What Is Butterfly Needle Technique?

A Minimally Invasive Way to Draw Blood:

The butterfly needle technique is a less intrusive method of taking blood from a smaller or more challenging-to-access vein, also known as winged infusion or scalp vein needles.

This method is commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and labs for routine blood testing, and it can be a valuable alternative to the traditional way.

A butterfly needle is a tiny, flexible object of two flexible "wings" on either side of a connector made of plastic or metal, a hollow needle, and the connector itself. 

These wings can stabilize the needle during insertion and removal, making the procedure more comfortable for patients.

How Is Butterfly Needle Technique Performed?


The butterfly needle technique is a somewhat easy and uncomplicated process.

1. Prepare the patient:

Before starting treatment, the patient's arm should be cleaned with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. The physician might also tourniquet the upper arm to make the veins visible and accessible.

2. Insert the needle:

The butterfly needle will then be inserted into the vein, its wings stabilizing it and preventing it from sliding around during the surgery. After inserting the hand, the medical professional will suck blood into a collection tube using a tiny vacuum tube.

3. Remove the needle:

 Once the blood has been drawn, the medical professional will remove the butterfly needle and press down on the area to stop bleeding. 

A bandage or adhesive strip may also be applied to the site to protect and keep it clean.

What Are Advantage Of The Butterfly Needle Technique?

There are several advantages to using the butterfly needle technique over traditional venipuncture methods:

1. Minimally invasive:

The butterfly needle may be placed into smaller veins with less damage to the surrounding tissue since it is more flexible and smaller than standard needles.

2. Less pain and discomfort:

Compared to more giant needles, the butterfly needle often causes patients less pain and discomfort, and the wings may aid in stabilizing the hand and lower the likelihood that it will move throughout the process.

3. Suitable for small veins:

Blood can be extracted from small or fragile veins, including those in the hands or feet, using a butterfly needle.

4. Greater accuracy:

The butterfly needle technique allows for greater accuracy in drawing blood, as the smaller needle can be positioned more precisely in the vein.

5. Reduced risk of hematoma:

Because the butterfly needle is smaller and less traumatic than traditional needles, it can reduce the risk of bleeding under the skin (hematoma) after the procedure.


A blood test butterfly needle is commonly used for venipuncture, which is the process of drawing blood from a vein for diagnostic testing. It is called a butterfly needle because the plastic or metal tubing attached to the needle looks like a butterfly's wings.

Blood test butterfly needles come in different gauges; the most commonly used size is 21-gauge. 

This kind of somewhat large needle is frequently used for operations when more blood needs to be drawn. 


The tubing of the butterfly needle helps to spread the pressure of the hand across a broader region, making it less painful than a standard needle.

 Additionally, it is more flexible, enabling more mobility throughout the collection process. The needle might be connected to a vacuum collection tube or syringe to collect blood.


Only a licensed healthcare professional with the necessary training and certification should use a butterfly needle for blood tests. It is essential to follow sterile protocols and dispose of used needles and other medical waste appropriately to prevent the spread of infections.


When using a butterfly needle for blood testing, it's essential to take precautions to avoid injury and ensure accurate results.

1. Choose the right size needle:

Choose the right-sized butterfly needle for the patient's vein and the required blood volume. Patients with smaller or more delicate veins often require smaller gauge needles, whereas those needing a higher blood volume need more giant gauge needles.

2. Use proper technique:

Always use sterile equipment and adhere to good venipuncture techniques, including antiseptic skin cleansing, site selection, and venipuncture placement. 

3. Check for blood flow:

Before starting the blood draw, ensure bloodlessly flows appropriately into the collection tube. Adjust the needle or tubing to ensure adequate placement if blood flow is sluggish or stops.

4. Monitor the patient:

Monitor the patient for signs of discomfort or adverse reactions during the blood draw, and be prepared to stop the procedures if necessary.

5. Dispose of the needle properly:

After use, dispose of the butterfly needle and tubing in a sharps container to prevent the spread of infections.



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